what is hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility where we use all three levels of the mind at once. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not about losing control but rather about gaining access to your subconscious mind to help your get over your stuck points. At these levels of the mind you are more open to suggestions, which can be used therapeutically to help you achieve your goals of changed habits, reduce pain, and manage stress and more.

During your hypnosis sessions at Healing House Hypnosis, a trained professional guides you into a relaxed state using advanced techniques. This allows your mind to concentrate deeply, bypassing the critical factor which is part of the mind doing this you allow accessing to the subconscious mind. This state can lead to profound changes in perception and behavior, making it a powerful tool for personal development and healing from the inside out.


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